Episode 1
Ali (Louis Koo) is a shrewd and capable person who makes a living by opening a funeral parlor and doing business for the dead. colleague makeup artist Ah Hong (played by Yuan Jieying) is his work partner and his favorite, but because he was busy with work and had no time to accompany her, he was pried by his friend Daviv (played by Xie Tianhua). Daviv is a sweethearted man, and he is right HD APP app icon E clear Bahasa Indonesia H I var maccms={"path":"","mid":"1","aid":"15","url":"www.sigu.cc","wapurl":"www.sigu.cc","mob_status":"0"}; K search M N O Deutsch var dfdPrompt=null; var installPromptDiv=document.getElementById('install-prompt'); function shouldShowInstallPrompt(){const oneDay=168*60*60*1000; const lastClosed=localStorage.getItem('installPromptClosed'); if(lastClosed){const now=Date.now(); return now-lastClosed>oneDay}return true}function showInstallPrompt(){if(dfdPrompt&&shouldShowInstallPrompt()){installPromptDiv.style.display='block'}}function closePrompt(){installPromptDiv.style.display='none'; localStorage.setItem('installPromptClosed',Date.now())}window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt',function(e){dfdPrompt=e; e.preventDefault(); showInstallPrompt()}); function addToDesktop(){if(dfdPrompt){dfdPrompt.prompt(); dfdPrompt.userChoice.then(function(choiceResult){console.log(choiceResult.outcome); closePrompt(); dfdPrompt=null})}else{console.log('添加到主屏幕的功能不可用。 ')}}window.onload=showInstallPrompt; HD APP app icon English clear Bahasa Indonesia translate.service.use("client.edge"); translate.setAutoDiscriminateLocalLanguage(); translate.listener.start(); translate.selectLanguageTag.show=false; translate.execute();$("#languageToggle").on("click",function(){$(".languagemenu_container").toggle()});$(".languagemenu_item").on("click",function(){translate.changeLanguage($(this).data("lang")); localStorage.setItem("lang",$(this).data("lang"));$(".languagemenu_container").hide()}); history 0-9
The film is based on a phenomenal novel that sells well all over the world. Lily Bloom (played by Blake Lively) meets the handsome and golden-looking neurosurgeon Lyle Kincaid (played by Justin Berduni), they fall in love at first sight, they are obsessed with each other, and the incomparable fit of soul and body makes them quickly enter into marriage. correct
Ali (Louis Koo) is a shrewd and capable person who makes a living by opening a funeral parlor and doing business for the dead. colleague makeup artist Ah Hong (played by Yuan Jieying) is his work partner and his favorite, but because he was busy with work and had no time to accompany her, he was pried by his friend Daviv (played by Xie Tianhua). Daviv is a sweethearted man, and he is right
True love is in business
Yin Yang Road 5: Fortune Chinese at first sight

Starring: Chen Xingxu, Peng Xiaoran, Wei Qianxiang