Chinese mainland
Kamen Rider Gabe is a tokusatsu drama produced by Toei Co., Ltd. in Japan, which will be broadcast on TV Asahi every Sunday from September 1, 2024. This work is the 39th installment in the Kamen Rider series. Lurking monster threats, monsters from another world, Sucrose Man. People don't know that they have entered secretly more The continent of Kyushu is vast, there are immortals living in Yunque Immortal Mountain, and there are also great powers hidden in the blessed land of the cave. People in the world yearn for the immortal road and pursue the path of enlightenment and ascend to the immortal. The protagonist Chu Yunfei was originally the young owner of Yunhai Villa in southern Kyushu, but when he was twelve years old, his parents were poisoned and murdered by Qin Yuan, the housekeeper of the villa, and at the critical moment Chu Yunfei was pushed down by his father to the Tongtian River under Yunhai Villa. Seven years later, Chu Yunfei returned to Yunhai Villa with his companions Li Xueyi and Duan Wuchen on Qin Yuan's birthday. Since Qin Yuan hid everything from the outside world after the incident, he now naturally occupies the villa. Chu Yunfei exposed Qin Yuan's crimes in front of the major sects that came to congratulate him on his birthday, and in order to increase his persuasiveness, he also showed the secret technique "Taishangguan Thoughts" taught by his father in public to prove his identity. correct Brief introduction 20 episodes Qin Mu was born with a mortal body, and after being tested to become the leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect, he was named the first doctor of Taixue by Yankang State. In the battle of the rebellion of Yankang Kingdom, Qin Mu attracted the demon god and set off a huge storm, and then followed Wu Khan into the Loulan Golden Palace, and fought all over the Holy Palace by himself. He returned to Yankang, assisted the national division to quell the rebellion, built and shot the Japanese cannon, and later won the emperor 26 episodes Home The Supreme of All Worlds finish Movie Fairy Tail Centennial Quest anime Brief introduction analecta Variety The total list of hot searches purge winter solstice assemble
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