The film's timeline is set between the first "Alien" in 1979 and the 1986 sequel "Alien 2", and revolves around a group of young and brave space colonists. It tells the story of their dreary life in an alien mining colony, and while venturing to explore an abandoned space station, they accidentally encounter the most terrifying life form in the universe - Xenomorphs. In the cramped, dark and dangerous space station, the battle royale has been ruthlessly opened, and humans have once again become the target of xenomorph hunting. Under the cover of endless darkness and death threats, will the space expedition members be able to detect the slightest chill lurking in the unknown creature at every heartbeat? In this life-and-death chase, what kind of trust challenges and moral struggles will they face? When one companion after another is brutally devoured, can they find a glimmer of life in this space killing?
The film's timeline is set between the first "Alien" in 1979 and the 1986 sequel "Alien 2", and revolves around a group of young and brave space colonists. It tells the story of their dreary life in an alien mining colony, and while venturing to explore an abandoned space station, they accidentally encounter the most terrifying life form in the universe - Xenomorphs. In the cramped, dark and dangerous space station, the battle royale has been ruthlessly opened, and humans have once again become the target of xenomorph hunting. Under the cover of endless darkness and death threats, will the space expedition members be able to detect the slightest chill lurking in the unknown creature at every heartbeat? In this life-and-death chase, what kind of trust challenges and moral struggles will they face? When one companion after another is brutally devoured, can they find a glimmer of life in this space killing?
Starring: Carly Spani, David Jungsong, Archie Reynolds, Isabella Mosed, Spike Finn, Eileen Wu, Daniel Bates, Ian Home, Trevor Newlin, Robert Blockey, Anne Marie Griggs, Rosie Eade, Soma Simon, Bens Ocock, Victor Olizu
Brief introduction
The film's timeline is set between the first "Alien" in 1979 and the 1986 sequel "Alien 2", and revolves around a group of young and brave space colonists. It tells the story of their dreary life in an alien mining colony, and while venturing to explore an abandoned space station, they accidentally encounter the most terrifying life form in the universe - Xenomorphs. In the cramped, dark and dangerous space station, the battle royale has been ruthlessly opened, and humans have once again become the target of xenomorph hunting. Under the cover of endless darkness and death threats, will the space expedition members be able to detect the slightest chill lurking in the unknown creature at every heartbeat? In this life-and-death chase, what kind of trust challenges and moral struggles will they face? When one companion after another is brutally devoured, can they find a glimmer of life in this space killing?
Starring: Carly Spani, David Jungsong, Archie Reynolds, Isabella Mosed, Spike Finn, Eileen Wu, Daniel Bates, Ian Home, Trevor Newlin, Robert Blockey, Anne Marie Griggs, Rosie Eade, Soma Simon, Bens Ocock, Victor Olizu
The film's timeline is set between the first "Alien" in 1979 and the 1986 sequel "Alien 2", and revolves around a group of young and brave space colonists. It tells the story of their dreary life in an alien mining colony, and while venturing to explore an abandoned space station, they accidentally encounter the most terrifying life form in the universe - Xenomorphs. In the cramped, dark and dangerous space station, the battle royale has been ruthlessly opened, and humans have once again become the target of xenomorph hunting. Under the cover of endless darkness and death threats, will the space expedition members be able to detect the slightest chill lurking in the unknown creature at every heartbeat? In this life-and-death chase, what kind of trust challenges and moral struggles will they face? When one companion after another is brutally devoured, can they find a glimmer of life in this space killing?
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