In the winter of the third year of junior high school, the protagonist Shimizu Minato, who gave up water polo because of something. When he entered high school, he started a water polo game with his friends who met there. However, in the weak water polo department, all kinds of difficulties await them.
Studio motion comic upstairs in the butcher's shop
All 26 episodes
百集大型纪录片《记住乡愁》是由中共中央宣传部、住房和城乡建设部、国家新闻出版广电总局、国家文物局联合组织实施,由中央电视台中文国际频道摄制的大型纪录片。该纪录片以弘扬中华优秀传统文化为宗旨,选取100个以上的传统村落进行拍摄,是一部以看得见的古村落为载体,以生活化的故事为依托,以乡愁为情感基础,以优秀的传统文化为核心的大型纪录片。播出频道:CCTV-4 中文国际频道,播出时间:首播 20:00 重播 5:05 13:30。第二季2016年1月3日起开始播出。
science fiction