Episode 31
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Download the film and television app and watch wonderful and smooth videos
All videos and pictures on this site are collected from the Internet, the copyright belongs to the original owner, this website only provides web page services, does not provide resource storage, and does not participate in recording and uploading.
Play history
Episode 32

This film tells the story of a recruit company of the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army at the end of 1944, which rushed to Barstow at the critical moment of the Battle of the Bulge, and still held the defensive line under the condition of being surrounded, withstood the German attack, and ushered in the final victory of the battle. The scale of the Battle of the Bulge, although not very large, was significant on the Western Front of World War II. It was the last large-scale offensive launched by the German army on the Western Front in World War II, which exhausted the last manpower and material reserves of the German army to defend the Western Front, and for the Western coalition forces, it was the last "crisis" they encountered in the war. The 101st Airborne Division held the important transportation hub of Barsto for a month in this battle, withstanding the siege of 20 German divisions, which was an important reason for the victory of the battle.

Episode 32
Episode 15

This film tells the story of a recruit company of the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army at the end of 1944, which rushed to Barstow at the critical moment of the Battle of the Bulge, and still held the defensive line under the condition of being surrounded, withstood the German attack, and ushered in the final victory of the battle. The scale of the Battle of the Bulge, although not very large, was significant on the Western Front of World War II. It was the last large-scale offensive launched by the German army on the Western Front in World War II, which exhausted the last manpower and material reserves of the German army to defend the Western Front, and for the Western coalition forces, it was the last "crisis" they encountered in the war. The 101st Airborne Division held the important transportation hub of Barsto for a month in this battle, withstanding the siege of 20 German divisions, which was an important reason for the victory of the battle.

Episode 15
Episode 33

This film tells the story of a recruit company of the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army at the end of 1944, which rushed to Barstow at the critical moment of the Battle of the Bulge, and still held the defensive line under the condition of being surrounded, withstood the German attack, and ushered in the final victory of the battle. The scale of the Battle of the Bulge, although not very large, was significant on the Western Front of World War II. It was the last large-scale offensive launched by the German army on the Western Front in World War II, which exhausted the last manpower and material reserves of the German army to defend the Western Front, and for the Western coalition forces, it was the last "crisis" they encountered in the war. The 101st Airborne Division held the important transportation hub of Barsto for a month in this battle, withstanding the siege of 20 German divisions, which was an important reason for the victory of the battle.

Episode 33
Episode 13

This film tells the story of a recruit company of the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army at the end of 1944, which rushed to Barstow at the critical moment of the Battle of the Bulge, and still held the defensive line under the condition of being surrounded, withstood the German attack, and ushered in the final victory of the battle. The scale of the Battle of the Bulge, although not very large, was significant on the Western Front of World War II. It was the last large-scale offensive launched by the German army on the Western Front in World War II, which exhausted the last manpower and material reserves of the German army to defend the Western Front, and for the Western coalition forces, it was the last "crisis" they encountered in the war. The 101st Airborne Division held the important transportation hub of Barsto for a month in this battle, withstanding the siege of 20 German divisions, which was an important reason for the victory of the battle.

Episode 13
Chinese mainland

This film tells the story of a recruit company of the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army at the end of 1944, which rushed to Barstow at the critical moment of the Battle of the Bulge, and still held the defensive line under the condition of being surrounded, withstood the German attack, and ushered in the final victory of the battle. The scale of the Battle of the Bulge, although not very large, was significant on the Western Front of World War II. It was the last large-scale offensive launched by the German army on the Western Front in World War II, which exhausted the last manpower and material reserves of the German army to defend the Western Front, and for the Western coalition forces, it was the last "crisis" they encountered in the war. The 101st Airborne Division held the important transportation hub of Barsto for a month in this battle, withstanding the siege of 20 German divisions, which was an important reason for the victory of the battle.

Chinese mainland
Episode 23

This film tells the story of a recruit company of the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army at the end of 1944, which rushed to Barstow at the critical moment of the Battle of the Bulge, and still held the defensive line under the condition of being surrounded, withstood the German attack, and ushered in the final victory of the battle. The scale of the Battle of the Bulge, although not very large, was significant on the Western Front of World War II. It was the last large-scale offensive launched by the German army on the Western Front in World War II, which exhausted the last manpower and material reserves of the German army to defend the Western Front, and for the Western coalition forces, it was the last "crisis" they encountered in the war. The 101st Airborne Division held the important transportation hub of Barsto for a month in this battle, withstanding the siege of 20 German divisions, which was an important reason for the victory of the battle.

Episode 23
Six Triple Eight tells an inspiring and incredible true story of the first and only brave army of women of color to be stationed overseas during World War II. In the face of racial and gender discrimination, strange lands and war-torn countries,

This film tells the story of a recruit company of the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army at the end of 1944, which rushed to Barstow at the critical moment of the Battle of the Bulge, and still held the defensive line under the condition of being surrounded, withstood the German attack, and ushered in the final victory of the battle. The scale of the Battle of the Bulge, although not very large, was significant on the Western Front of World War II. It was the last large-scale offensive launched by the German army on the Western Front in World War II, which exhausted the last manpower and material reserves of the German army to defend the Western Front, and for the Western coalition forces, it was the last "crisis" they encountered in the war. The 101st Airborne Division held the important transportation hub of Barsto for a month in this battle, withstanding the siege of 20 German divisions, which was an important reason for the victory of the battle.

Six Triple Eight tells an inspiring and incredible true story of the first and only brave army of women of color to be stationed overseas during World War II. In the face of racial and gender discrimination, strange lands and war-torn countries,
We are at the place where the dream begins

This film tells the story of a recruit company of the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army at the end of 1944, which rushed to Barstow at the critical moment of the Battle of the Bulge, and still held the defensive line under the condition of being surrounded, withstood the German attack, and ushered in the final victory of the battle. The scale of the Battle of the Bulge, although not very large, was significant on the Western Front of World War II. It was the last large-scale offensive launched by the German army on the Western Front in World War II, which exhausted the last manpower and material reserves of the German army to defend the Western Front, and for the Western coalition forces, it was the last "crisis" they encountered in the war. The 101st Airborne Division held the important transportation hub of Barsto for a month in this battle, withstanding the siege of 20 German divisions, which was an important reason for the victory of the battle.

Episode 21
Episode 26
Episode 43

Episode 16

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Episode 6